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Letter to Parents 22nd February 2022
February 22nd 2022
Dear Parents / Guardians
We were very happy to welcome the students back to school today and hope that your half-term holiday was enjoyable.
We ended last half-term by awarding and sending to their parents, commendations for 426 students in recognition of hard work and high levels of commitment between January and February, and today we will send a further 327 commendations to celebrate the achievement of students with 100% attendance from January to the February half-term. This will be followed later in the week with commendations for students, who achieved 98% attendance. We are proud of all our students and very grateful to their families for all their support.
As we start this half-term, we have asked all students during our online assembly to show kindness to each other, enjoy being in school with their friends and of course to submit class and homework assignments of their personal best standard.
As we move forward we will continue to offer extracurricular activities and school trips in the local area as we judge prudent and may start to plan trips further afield, where we judge this prudent.
After school revision sessions for Years 11 in English, Mathematics and Science and for all A level subjects in Years 12 & 13 are now taking place on site with a Live Online option for Year 11. Invitations are sent to students via Google Classroom for the Live Online sessions. Please do encourage your daughter or son to attend, either on site or Live Online from home.
Following last night’s announcements, we will work with our students to inform them of the very important Public Health Advice, which remains in place and the importance of adhering to this to keep themselves, each other and their families safe. We will continue to request students wear face coverings in class and inform you where they do not do so on school transport, as this remains a requirement.
We intend to carry on in school LFT testing this half-term, as we believe this has been key in our maintaining high levels of student and staff attendance this school year. Thereafter, we hope to move to a more targeted approach. We are all still able to order Lateral Flow Test Kits at no cost, but this will apparently not be the case after the end of March.
Order Rapid Lateral Flow Tests
If you would like your child to borrow a laptop or webcam, please make your request to Our technicians work to meet requests just as quickly as they can.
Yours Sincerely,
Sonette Schwartz Charles Joseph
Executive Principal Principal