What to expect
When you begin year 12 it is likely that you will find the jump from GCSE to A level quite difficult. This is because:
- You will be expected to spend a far greater amount of time studying your subjects, both in and out of the classroom. We expect at least 15 hours of private study a week
- Outside of lesson time, you will be expected to do work that has not been set by your teacher, for example reading books related to your subject, watching out for information in newspapers and practicing exam questions.
If you are not prepared to do this you may find yourself falling behind.
- You are likely to come into contact with language, technical terms and ideas which are completely new to you, even if you studied the subject at GCSE Level. Don’t be put off by this, everyone in your A level classes will be in this situation.
- There will be more emphasis on discussion in classes.
- You will have to plan your work with greater care, so that you can complete your set work in the time you have available outside of classes.
Study Periods
There are 30 teaching periods per week. Each subject is allocated six periods per week. Although not formally timetabled, you will receive vocational guidance throughout the year and be called for interviews – either on an individual basis or as a whole year group. In addition you will get the opportunity to listen to visiting speakers from all fields and walks of life to talk to you, to offer their advice and experience, encouraging you to think beyond the confines of the classroom.
It is important to be organised in your use of time. Non contact is not free time. In fact this is the most important time on your time-table when you can study. You will be expected to work in the study area in the Sixth Form Learning Centre which is fully equipped with printers and other resources and supervised by a study manager.
There is a strong link between those students who use their study time effectively and those who are able to gain the best results