
All Policies

Policies Date  
Acceptable Use Policy Students 16th Jul 2024 Download
Accessibility Plan 17th Jul 2023 Download
Admissions Policy 2023 24 02nd Nov 2022 Download
Admissions Policy 2024 25 17th Jul 2023 Download
Admissions Policy 2025 26 29th Apr 2024 Download
Arts Policy 17th Jul 2023 Download
Assessment Policy 17th Jul 2023 Download
Attendance Guidance to Parents 02nd Nov 2022 Download
Attendance Policy 04th May 2023 Download
Behaviour and Discipline Policy 29th Nov 2022 Download
Brockhill Park Performing Arts College Provision Map 02nd Nov 2022 Download
Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance Policy 04th May 2023 Download
Careers Provider Access Policy 16th Jul 2024 Download
Charging and Remissions Policy 29th Apr 2024 Download
Children in Care Policy 29th Nov 2022 Download
Collective Worship Policy 04th May 2023 Download
Complaints Policy 17th Jul 2023 Download
Confidentiality Policy 2023 17th Nov 2023 Download
Controlled Assessment Policy 04th Jun 2024 Download
Drug Education Policy 29th Nov 2022 Download
Early Career Teachers Policy 2023 29th Sep 2023 Download
Electronic Assessment Policy 17th Jul 2023 Download
Equal Opportunities Information and Objectives 20th Oct 2022 Download
Examination Policy 17th Jul 2023 Download
Extended Schools Policy 04th Jun 2024 Download
External Exam Student Contract Examination Policy 17th Jul 2023 Download
Financial Regulations Manual 06th Mar 2024 Download
Fire Evacuation Instructions 02nd Nov 2022 Download
First Aid Policy 29th Apr 2024 Download
Fraud Policy 03rd Jul 2023 Download
Freedom of Information Policy 02nd Nov 2022 Download
Guidance for staff on the use of photos and videos of pupils 16th Jul 2024 Download
Health and Safety Policy 2023 29th Sep 2023 Download
Home School Agreement 02nd Nov 2022 Download
Homework Policy 29th Nov 2022 Download
Information and Records Retention Policy 16th Jul 2024 Download
Information Security Policy For Website 16th Jul 2024 Download
International Policy 17th Jul 2023 Download
Investment Policy 2023 29th Sep 2023 Download
Literacy Policy 04th Jun 2024 Download
Marking Policy 17th Jul 2023 Download
Medicines in School Policy 02nd Nov 2022 Download
No Smoking Policy 17th Nov 2023 Download
Numeracy Policy 04th Jun 2024 Download
Online Safety Policy 2023 17th Nov 2023 Download
Packed Lunch and Food Brought Into School Policy 06th Mar 2024 Download
Parent Privacy Notice 16th Jul 2024 Download
Parent Privacy Notice Summary Version 16th Jul 2024 Download
Parental Engagement Policy 03rd Jul 2023 Download
Persistent or Vexatious Complaints Policy 29th Apr 2024 Download
Provider Access 05th Jul 2022 Download
Pupil Premium and Vulnerable Students Plan 2023 24 29th Sep 2023 Download
Pupil Privacy Notice For Older Pupils 16th Jul 2024 Download
Pupil Privacy Notice Summary Version For Older Pupils 16th Jul 2024 Download
RE Policy 01st May 2020 Download
Recruitment Policy 20th Oct 2022 Download
RSE Policy 2023 29th Sep 2023 Download
Safeguarding Children and Promoting Student Welfare Policy 2024 25.docx 16th Jul 2024 Download
School Visits Policy 20th Oct 2022 Download
SEND Policy 2023 24 02nd Jan 2024 Download
Student Anti Bullying Policy 11th Oct 2023 Download
Subject Access Requests.docx 16th Jul 2024 Download
Supporting Students with Medical Conditions 02nd Nov 2022 Download
Suspensions and Permanent Exclusions Policy 17th Jul 2023 Download
Uniform Policy 29th Nov 2022 Download
Whistle Blowing Policy 16th Jul 2024 Download