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Children and Young People Immunisation Clinics
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Children and Young People Immunisation Clinics
If your child has missed any of their vaccination in school, they have not missed their opportunity to be vaccinated.
The Kent and Medway School Aged Immunisation Service runs community clinics throughout the year, where children and young people can catch up on their vaccinations.
• Young people in Year 8 can book their HPV • Young people Year 9 and 10 can book their HPV, meningitis; diphtheria, tetanus and polio booster • Young people 12 years and above can book their COVID-19 vaccineFurther information on all the available vaccinations can be found here:
Immunisations for young people - your questions answered (
We are visiting schools until end of July so please only book an appointment if your child has missed their vaccination in school.
To make an immunisation appointment, please see the attached document with available clinics and booking details.
Kind regards
Kent and Medway School Aged Immunisation Service