Latest NewsNews from around the Academy

Letter to parents 7th May
May 7th 2020
Dear Parents
Thank you for all your support with Home School this week.
Even at this time, Victory in Europe Day is a cause for reflection in the United Kingdom and we will post a VE Day Video Clip to students’ Google Classroom Tutor Group. We are providing the Link here too.
Apart from the Video Clip lessons will not be posted tomorrow.
We have mailed user names and passwords to students about PiXL Edge Awards and Mrs Barry has sent
advice to students as to what activities they can include to claim their Awards.
We are providing a link to the Weekly Fitness Fun Challenge which Mr Fussell is keen to point out is for students, families and staff!
Monday’s Tutor Group Activity will be: Literacy
Please carry out the activities as a family if you get the opportunity!
We will be asking teachers to nominate students for Special Commendations next week. A lot of students received recommendations from 1 or 2 teachers last week and we are really keen to recognize their efforts too – so we will be asking teachers for nominations again next week.
Where students have questions about work set they may email questions to teachers between 9am and 3pm Monday – Friday next week.
Please stay safe.
Yours sincerely
Sonette Schwartz Charles Joseph
Principal Senior Vice Principal