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Letter to parents 6th May
May 6th 2020
Dear Parents
Thank you for all your support today. Lessons will be posted until Thursday this week as Friday is the Victory in Europe Bank Holiday.
Tomorrow Thursday, the Tutor Activity will be the (usual Friday) Quiz.
We are very keen that students continue working towards their PiXL Edge Certificates and Awards
and we will be mailing students reminders of their user names and passwords tomorrow. Mrs Barry is aware that many students are close to completion and she wishes to send as many PiXL Edge Certificates to students as possible! Mrs Barry will also be sending advice to students as to what activities they can include to claim their Awards.
Separately, we will be asking teachers to nominate students for Special Commendations next week. These are for dedication, commitment and quality of work. To qualify students need to be in receipt of recommendation from at least 3 of their teachers. A lot of students received recommendations from 1 or 2 teachers and we are really keen to recognize their efforts too – so we will be asking teachers for nominations again next week.
We are again providing the link to our Handing in classwork through Google Classroom for your and your daughter or son’s information. Please ensure you download and save a copy of this document, in case internet becomes slower and less reliable.
Where students have questions about work set they may email questions to teachers between 9am and 3pm Monday –Thursday this week.
Please stay safe.
Yours sincerely
Sonette Schwartz Charles Joseph
Principal Senior Vice Principal