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Letter to parents 4th May
May 4th 2020
Dear Parents
Thank you for all your support today. Lessons will be posted Monday – Thursday this week as Friday is a Bank Holiday.
On Friday, we sent commendations to nearly 300 students for their dedication, commitment and quality of work. To qualify students need to be in receipt of recommendation from at least 3 of their teachers. A lot of students received recommendations from 1 or 2 teachers and we are really keen to recognize their efforts too – so we will be asking teachers for nominations again next week.
We are now unwinding school trips following the procedures set out in our letters of March 19th and March 31st. We are undertaking this in order of the dates of departure.
We remain mindful of the importance of physical and mental well-being for our students and we are again linking the Brockhill Weekly Fitness Fun Challenge for the students for this week.
Tuesday’s Tutor Activity is:
These are important activities for the students and many are fun and could be carried out as a family if you get the opportunity!
Where students have questions about work set they may email questions to teachers between 9am and 3pm Monday –Thursday this week.
Please stay safe.
Yours sincerely
Sonette Schwartz Charles Joseph
Principal Senior Vice Principal