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Letter to parents 25th March
March 25th 2020
Dear Parents
Today, we have continued scaling up our use of Google Classrooms and this will continue further tomorrow and Friday.
Thursday, March 26th Periods 1 – 4
Friday, March 27th Periods 1 – 5
Some messages from Google Classrooms can find their way into the Junk Folder, so students should check their Junk Folder regularly.
Please ensure you download and save all User Guides sent previously, if you have not already done so.
Where work is not yet set for a lesson on Google Classrooms students should make use of E Resources available in that subject or on Student Resources, as per previous letters.
Students may only email questions to teachers between 9am and 3pm. Teachers might sometimes reply via a class email if they judge this is helpful to more students. They will also do so in school hours, so answers may be delayed by a day or over a weekend.
As children spend more time on line they may become more vulnerable and we are today providing you with a useful link to promote conversations between parents and children about Online Safety:
UK Government Guidance states If children can stay safely at home, they should, to limit the chance of the virus spreading. That is why the government has asked parents to keep their children at home, wherever possible, and asked schools to remain open only for those children who absolutely need to attend. Guidance further signals that children of 12 and above can generally remain at home alone in the family home, whilst parents are at work. The full guidance may be viewed here:
From Friday we will shift any on site provision for the remainder of this term to one of our local primary schools. Any parent needing to use this provision will need to mail the Brockhill Office email by midday the previous day, in order for us to make appropriate arrangements. Please provide Name of Child, Date of Birth and any Allergy Information in the mail.
From now until the end of term, we will reduce our level of contact with you via daily letter but of course let you know whenever we have firm information to pass to you.
Thank you all for your continued support.
Please stay safe.
Yours sincerely
Sonette Schwartz Charles Joseph