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Letter to Parents 15th March
March 15th 2024
Dear Parents and students
Thank you for all your support of the students and us over this past week.
Once again, students have worked very hard and had earned 2590 Excellent Effort Points by midday today. Behind these achievements sits a huge amount of parental support day in and day out!
We have also sent Homework texts this week for a range of subjects in Years 7 – 11 and Years 12 & 13. Please do check in which subjects your daughter or son is due to submit homework assignments.
If your Year 8 child missed the recent HPV on February 28th and 29th the School Immunisation Service has asked we inform you, you can arrange this directly through them
As we work towards Public Examinations for Years 11 and 13, we are providing students with information and techniques to inform their revision and its planning over the Easter Holiday. If you are worried that your daughter or son is not sure what to do, how to do it or indeed that they are just worried, please let us know. We will try our very Best to help and guide! Please see this week’s
Year 11 Revision Tips Year 13 Revision Tips
This week has seen our Year 7 and 11 girls’ football and basketball teams in sporting action against other schools. We thank them for their commitment, representation of Brockhill and just working together towards a common goal. On Tuesday, Years 12 & 13 Media students attended UCA (University of the Creative Arts) to find out about university life, and on Thursday A level Drama students attended St Leonard’s Church for a retelling of the Easter story to local primary school students. Elsewhere, Years 9 & 10 sportswomen and men have been participating in the ‘Youth Games’ in Lille. I really am delighted we are now travelling further afield so frequently.
Our Academy Tutor Groups have worked hard planning their Comic Relief activities for today, and there appears to be some healthy competition between the Academies about how much money they will each raise. I am delighted by their engagement and commitment to others. Family Friday, March 15th
Earlier in the week, our assembly focussed on explaining to students, how money raised is used to benefit others. Comic Relief Assembly
I am delighted so many students are borrowing so many books from our library. Please do check with daughter or son that they do not have overdue books and if they do, please ensure they return them. Our librarian, Ms Brown will be delighted.
Please ensure your child reads for 20 minutes daily and have them choose and read a second book this term from Digital Library – Spring Term 2023 - 24
Have a restful weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Charles Joseph