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Letter to Parents 20th October 2023
20th October 2023
Dear Parents
This week, we awarded 1578 Excellent Effort points to students for submission of personal best home- and classwork assignments. In addition, we are today sending 853 commendation letters to parents of students nominated by their teachers for consistent effort and engagement with their learning, since September. Behind all this wonderful work from our students lies a lot of love and support from parents and families. This is so vital, and we are truly grateful to you for this.
Years 11 have sat Walking Talking Mock (teachers help) and pre-public practice (teachers don’t help!) examinations in the Examinations in the hall this week as part of their preparations for Public Examinations in the summer. Years 12 & 13 are programmed for the same in December, along with Year 11.
On Monday this week, our Year 9 students played Board games and took coffee with elder members of our local community at the Lads’ Club and on Wednesday, 70 students welcomed visitors from the local Litter Picking Watch group, who delivered a talk about the harmful effects of discarding litter. The students then participated in a volunteer litter pick on our site and in the village. Elsewhere, our Years 7 & 8 boys’ football teams were in action this week, winning and drawing respectively.
A little later on today, we will be sending you more information about our Sixth Form Open Evening for Year 11 students and their parents, which takes place on site on Tuesday, November 7th. During the evening, we will be talking about post 16 applications and study in general and at Brockhill Park Sixth Form in particular.
A little earlier in the term, we held on site Meet the Tutor and starting out this year events for each Year Group.
If you were unable to attend, school leaders have prepared an audio presentation of what they ran through with parents on the evenings.
Introduction to Year 7 Introduction to Year 8
Introduction to Year 9 Introduction to Year 10 Introduction to Year 11
Introduction to Year12 Introduction to Year 13
Please ensure your daughter or son keeps up their 20 minutes reading a day for pleasure over the holiday. Students who read daily develop their understanding and achieve so much more highly across their school subjects. Digital Library Autumn Term 1st half 2023-2024
Students will carry out their learning at home on line after half-term on Monday, October 30th. They will work on and submit assignments, which will be set in Google Classroom. We will look forward to welcoming students back to on site learning at Brockhill on Tuesday, October 31st.
Wishing all students and their families a lovely half-term.
Yours sincerely,
Charles Joseph