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Letter to Parents 21st June
June 21st 2023
Dear Parents,
I am writing to you following announcements that the NEU have called upon their members to take further industrial action on Wednesday, July 5th and Friday, July 7th in respect of their ongoing pay dispute with the government.
Students in Year 10 and those in Year 12 not undertaking pre-arranged and agreed work experience should attend for on site learning at Brockhill on Wednesday, July 5th and Friday, July 7th, where teachers who are not taking part in the industrial action will deliver their lessons as normal.
Sixth Form Induction for Year 11 students, returning to us in September, will also run as planned and advertised on Monday, July 3rd, Tuesday, July 4th and Wednesday, July 5th.
For those of you with children in Year 6, who will join Brockhill in September, please be assured Year 6 Transition days will run as planned and advertised on both Thursday, July 6th and Friday 7th. And for those of you with children in Year 5, Open Evening originally scheduled for Wednesday, July 5th will now run a week later on Wednesday, July 12th.
However, we must make changes to our normal operations, in order to be both effective and safe.
We therefore move to remote learning for Years 7 – 9 on Wednesday, July 5th and Friday, July 7th.
Assignments for students in Years 7 - 9 will be posted in Google Classroom by teachers, who are not taking part in the industrial action, to undertake at home. Please ask your daughter or son to follow their normal timetable and submit their assignments at the end of each lesson. Where assignments are not posted in Google Classroom for all of a student’s lessons, we will provide additional links to BBC Bitesize or Oak Academy online resources via further letter early in the week beginning Monday, July 3rd.
If the teacher of a Year 10 class is taking industrial action / absent from school Year 10 students will attend the Theatre and undertake personal revision activities with their own materials: - for example, their own flashcards, revision guides and revision timetable. They may receive advice about revision for Public Examinations: - for example, they may watch a Walking Talking Mock Maths GCSE examination.
Where the teacher of a Year 12 class is taking industrial action / absent from school Year 12 students will sign in and undertake private study in the Sixth Form Study Area with Ms Hoy.
Parents of students in Years 7 – 9 in receipt of Free School Meals of will receive a separate message to this about arrangements for meal allowances on Wednesday, July 5th and Friday, July 7th.
Instep show rehearsals will run on the evening of Wednesday, July 5th. Students performing in the School of Rock performance will attend school on the Wednesday and Friday for rehearsals and then the performance on Friday evening. YFC attending the Kent Show will continue their preparation work as planned on the Farm on the Wednesday, before departing from Brockhill for the County Showground on the Friday.
Where a student in Years 7, 8 or 9 is the child of a critical worker or is vulnerable as defined by Annexes A & B of the Emergency Planning and Response for Education Guidance and no other arrangements are possible, we will offer the possibility of supervised private study at school of the identical materials set for all students in Google Classroom. Please ask via email to the school office account for a Supervised Private Study Request Form. Only students who meet the criteria of the Guidance and for whom we have received and acknowledged by the end of school on Monday, July 3rd the completed Supervised Private Study Request Form will be able to use this facility. Guidance
Again, I am truly sorry about this further disruption to you and to your child’s education. I understand this situation will be frustrating, and I am deeply grateful to you all for your support and frequent kind words.
Yours sincerely,
Charles Joseph