
Latest NewsNews from around the Academy

Posted: 23/05/2023

Letter to Parents of Year 11




Dear Parents,

We will be having Pizza and games with the students during Period 5 and lunch and then a special assembly during period 6. The assembly will be an opportunity to celebrate the successes of our students during the time they have been with us.

Following the half-term break we will continue with lessons and interventions as normal. As always, we cannot emphasise enough the importance of students maintaining the highest level of attendance to all their lessons right through and up until the end of the examination period. We will also continue to offer breakfast revision clubs and afterschool revision sessions until the end of the examination period.

We very much hope that the students enjoy the event on Friday and would like to congratulate the students on the start they have made to the exams and wish them all the best of luck for the remainder of them.

Yours Sincerely

Vice Principal.


