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A Level Results Press Release
Brockhill Park Performing Arts College
A Level Results Press Release
Brockhill Park Performing Arts College is again celebrating excellent A level results. This year 98% of our students achieved 2 or more passes at level 3 and 71% achieved 3 or more passes and achieved an impressive 27% at A*-A grade as well as 66% at A*-C. The 2017 results are the best post 16 results in the last 3 years.
Some of our students have achieved exceptional results. Jasmine Walsh obtained 1B, 1C 2 Distinction* and 1 Merit, Amy Betteridge 1 A*, 1 Merit and 2 Distinction *, Megan Parrott obtained an A grade and 2 B’s at A Level and Amber Cowell achieved 2 B’s and 1 C. Max Wilson achieved 3 C grades and Josh Warrilow obtained 1 Distinction, 1 Distinction* and 1 B grade.
We are proud of all our year 13 students of who most are going on to their chosen destinations studying a wide variety of courses at different universities. We would like to wish them well for the future and thank them for their hard work and commitment during their time at this school.
Families and teachers play a crucial role in the success of this school. Therefore the governors and I would like to thank our parents for their support and our teachers for their unstinting dedication to our students.
Sonette Schwartz