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Letter to Parents and Students of Year 13
June 4th 2020
Letter to Parents and Students of Year 13
Getting Ahead during the Summer Holiday
Dear Parents and Year 13 students
We hope this letter finds you all well and safe.
We are writing to you to provide you with The Parents’ and Students’ Guide to Getting Ahead during the Summer Holiday.
This contains a large amount of excellent advice for parents and students in respect of university, employment and applications for each of these. The advice appears to us to be very well tailored to the current time and focuses also on how students can make best use of the summer to prepare for their next steps.
We hope you find this useful.
We will stay in touch with you all at various points this term and will of course let you know how we intend to communicate Examination Results to you in the summer, once arrangements for their publication are clearer to us.
Please stay safe.
Yours sincerely
Sonette Schwartz Charles Joseph