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Letter to parents 30th March
March 30th 2020
Dear Parents
Thank you for your support as we have got underway with Google Classrooms this week and thank you for the many kind words we have received.
We are now setting work for periods 1 – 6 each day as well as setting a measure of ‘holiday’ work to be completed over the scheduled school holiday, which will be upon us at the end of Wednesday.
In addition to ‘holiday’ homework set we recommend that students maintain a daily work routine during the school holiday by use of our E Resources available for the range of subjects or on Student Resources.
Students may only email questions to teachers between 9am and 3pm until Wednesday of this week. Thereafter, teacher email inboxes will be unattended until Monday, April 20th. The school Office email account will be attended at points during the scheduled school holiday.
Over the holiday we will of course communicate any important information to you, which is definitive and from Gov.UK.
We have now shifted any on site provision for the remainder of this term to one of our local primary schools. Any parent needing to use this provision will need to mail the Brockhill Office email account by midday the previous working day, in order for us to make appropriate arrangements. Please provide Name of Child, Date of Birth and any Allergy Information in the mail.
We are already putting our minds to the kinds of activities we will need to undertake with students whenever school does resume on site to ensure learning loss is minimised.
Those students, who rise best to the challenge presented by the current circumstances will perform best whenever we are able to resume ‘normal’ provision at Brockhill. Many students and their families are absolutely flying with the current arrangements but those, who only access work irregularly or half-heartedly will find any return to school difficult.
We again attach a Parents’ Guide (please click here), which contains useful information on dealing with the demands and routines of the kind of home education on which we have all embarked.
We are also providing a link to P.E. with Joe
as we understand he has pledged money earned from this daily workout lesson to the NHS and we want to encourage our students to be physically active, even if indoors in the current situation.
Please stay safe.
Yours sincerely
Sonette Schwartz Charles Joseph