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Letter from the Principal October 2018
Dear Parents/ Guardians
I am writing to thank you all for a very good start to the new academic year. It is with joy that we have welcomed Year 7 and 12 students to our school and hope that by now they feel part of the family. We were delighted to welcome Miss O’Donnell back as a Citizenship teacher. Furthermore we are delighted to announce the election of our new Chair of Governors; Mr Mark Herbert and our new Vice Chair; Mrs Emptage.
We are celebrating excellent outcomes at GCSE and A levels; details to be found on our website.
Thank you for equipping your sons and daughters for school and sending them to us in the correct uniform. As the colder weather approaches please ensure that coats are suitable for outdoor wear and waterproof. Coats and scarves worn on particularly cold days need to navy blue or black. Blazers have to be worn at all times.
Please update us with any changes to your contact details which can also be updated on your School APP. If you want details about the APP please contact us. It is vital that we have your up to date details as winter approaches.
Allow me to remind you that all mobile phones have to be switched off and in student bags. Failure to comply will result in confiscation and a return to a parent only. Additionally we have banned headphones at school.
Please take note of important dates that can be found on our website. Our school policies are also available on our website. Please also take note that myself and my colleagues can and will only be seen by prior appointment. Please ring the school and make an appointment to see myself or a colleague if you have a concern. I am available for surgeries on a Wednesday afternoon by prior arrangement.
I would also like to remind parents of our Parental Engagement Policy which states that: ‘Although very supportive and welcoming; Brockhill Park staff are entitled to conduct their business without being subjected to harassment, abusive or threatening behaviour. In the event of any threatening or abusive behaviour by parents/guardians toward our staff, our students or other parents, we reserve the right, under the Local Government Act (regarding public behaviour on school premises), to take action such as (i) prohibiting a parent from entering the site and (ii) asking the police to attend.’
We would ask that all parents make a contribution to our School Voluntary Fund. This fund will allow us to continue to offer as many school trips as we currently do. We ask for a £20 donation per family. Please make cheques payable to Brockhill Park Performing Arts College and send your cash or cheque to school reception in a sealed envelope alternatively you could set up a standing order for about £2 per month our details are:
Bank: Lloyds TSB
Account Name: Brockhill Park Performing Arts Voluntary Fund
Sort Code: 30-93-34
Account No: 02941356
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours faithfully
Sonette Schwartz