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Letter to Parents of Year 12 & 13 - 12th February 2024
12th February 2024
Dear Year 12 and 13 Parent,
This term Year 12 and 13 students have been working hard towards examinations and completing coursework assignments. This is the perfect opportunity for students to turn their thoughts towards their revision plans.
As we move closer towards our examination season students may be feeling the pressure. Whilst exams are stressful it is worth remembering that we should keep it in perspective. The charity Student Minds works towards providing advice and strategies for students from 14-19. They have provided a guide on managing exam stress. You can see this guide on the PDF attached and also through the link below:
Support for me - Student Minds
As we approach the second half to the Spring Term, we will turn our focus towards consolidating knowledge and how best to stretch and challenge students to achieve the best possible outcomes. Please find included here some essential revision guides we will be reminding students of on our return. These include, our Goal Setting Guide and our Cornell Note Taking Guide. Through Google Classroom students have access to the following materials:
- Revision Guides, including updated ones which focus on the pre-release material
- Past Papers and links to the exam websites
- Exemplar Plans and answers
- Checklists
- Revision Booklets
- Web links
- The PowerPoints that students were taught from
- Course Guides
We have tried to provide a mix of paper-based and online resources to allow students to vary their revision activities, but all student materials can be found in the Google Classrooms for individual subjects. We hope in this way that students have at their finger tips the necessary materials they need to enable them to start planning for the examinations they will sit in the near future. It is only through a good use of their time now will they reduce their anxieties around the examination season later on.
Best Wishes
Ben Travers
Director of Sixth Form