
Latest NewsNews from around the Academy

Posted: 17/10/2017

Non-uniform day - Friday, October 20th.

Dear Parents and Carers
Brockhill Park Performing Arts College will be holding a non-uniform day on the last day of this half-term - Friday, October 20th.
The school has chosen to support the work of the FNKD charity - Friends of North Kigeze Diocese - in the village of Bucence in Uganda through this non-uniform day.
We aim to raise sufficient funds to support the education of 4 young people we are sponsoring. The school has supported this project over a number of years and we will be working with Tutor Groups during this week briefing them on the transformational impact of their efforts on life in Bukence.
We are asking students to donate £1 for this non-uniform day.
The day will operate as a ‘dress down’ day for staff who will also be contributing.
Since the start of the school year we have raised nearly £1500 for charity and we are proud of our students and their commitment to supporting others.
Yours sincerely,
Charles Joseph
Senior Vice Principal


