
Latest NewsNews from around the Academy

Posted: 19/01/2024

Letter to Parents 19th January 2024





January 19th 2024  

Dear Parents and students,

Thank you for all your support this week.  

Students have worked very hard this week and earned 3242 Excellent Effort Points by 2pm today.  

We have sent Homework texts this week for French, Geography and RE. Please do check in which subjects your daughter or son is due to submit homework assignments.   

Here is our new Digital Library for this term. It contains exciting and enjoyable books for years 7 – 13. We want every student to read for pleasure for 20 minutes daily. Please have them choose a book and read each day.  

Digital Library Spring Term 2023 - 2024 

Keeping our children safe online is a concern for all of us, and we aim to provide you with regular information to support with this. The following guide contains some useful tips. 

What Parents and Carers need to know about Whatsapp 

Students have participated in a number of activities beyond the classroom this week with Years 7 & 8 girls’ Basketball and Year 11 boys’ football teams all playing fixtures against other schools on Wednesday. Two of the three teams won their fixtures, but it is the commitment and participation of all three teams, of which I am most proud.  

Yesterday, 38 year 12 & 13 A level English students attended a virtual workshop with Canterbury Christ Church University on Othello. Today, 17 students in Year 11 attended an employment fair at the Leas Cliff Hall to consider their choices for next year. And a big thank you to our 70 Year 7 & 8 volunteer litter pickers. 

Please do remind your daughter or son that we offer a free hot breakfast to all students before school begins. Some young people skip or just do not want to eat breakfast early in the morning but can become very hungry later on.  

Have a restful weekend.  

Yours sincerely,   

Charles Joseph  



